Well, last Sunday marked the day that I left my old team.  We had a really great time playing at Camp Ohara and there was a really good turn out, about 30 people.  The weather was nice in the morning and even though we were about an hour late arriving at the field, all the other teams weren't too angry about it.  The game started fast and furious!  My team led me all the way up to the flag and along the way I managed to get about 6 kills.  We were seriously on fire and our guns were unleashing a serious kind of havoc previously unknown!  The second game Ted was able to make it to the flag.  We lost game three but in game four, my team brought me right back to the flag.  2 flags in one day!  Thanks guys!  After lunch we played a game of VIP/Blackhawk Down.  5 guys and myself had to defend a bunker for 8 minutes before the rest of our team were allowed to help.  This was made especially hard owing to the fact that the opposing team were allowed re-spawns after 30 seconds.  At one point I was all alone defending the tank, an M4 in one hand and an AK in the other.  This game was so exciting we decided to play it a second time. 
I have to admit that I am very sad to be leaving Japan and all my close friends but I am confident that I will make many new ones in America and that this will be the start of another great team.  I look forward to meeting you all and hope that you will continue to follow my adventures here at Team AD.  Thanks!

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